Thursday, April 25, 2013

The Universe and the Atom

“We are all connected; To each other, biologically. To the earth, chemically. To the rest of the universe atomically.” Neil De Grasse Tyson

13.7 Billion years ago the universe erupted into existence.  Following the big bang the universe consisted of a soup of light elements (mainly helium and hydrogen).  After billions of years when the violence of the big bang had subdued and conditions were just right, these elements condensed to form stars which at their core were cooking all of the heavy elements that make up the universe, such as carbon, nitrogen and oxygen.  When these stars died, the new elements were sent spinning out across the universe. 

Today the most common elements in the universe are Hydrogen, Helium, Oxygen, Carbon and Nitrogen (in that order).  Apart from the relatively inert Helium molecules, the human body consists of the same elements in the same basic order H20 (Hydrogen and Oxygen), Carbon and Nitrogen. 

The atoms that now make up your body, have been here for billions of years before you.  They have traversed the vastness of space.  Come together to form stars and planets and comets.  They have been part of all of the oceans, the air and the land.  They made up single cell organisms, fish and dinosaurs.  They have been the arrow heads of early hunter gatherers and the glaciers of the ice ages.  They were predatory animals and their prey, they were new born babies and the dying breath of the elderly.  They were blades of grass and gusts of wind. They were fabrics and artistic expressions and weapons of destruction.   And now they have come together to be you... for a while. You are simply borrowing them for the briefest period of time and once you die your atoms will go on to be parts of the earth, the oceans, the sky and everything in between.  

It is estimated that every human living today on any given day consists of at least 20 billion atoms that were once part of Shakespeare and a further 20 billion that were once part of Socrates, Julius Ceaser, Einstein etc etc .  Each  breath you take consists of atoms that have been inhaled and exhaled by every person throughout earth's history.

There is some conjecture about how long it takes for all the atoms in your body to be replaced.  But some physicists approximate that 98% of your atoms are swapped or replaced every year.  so in actual fact they are not strictly your atoms.  They come together to play a role as you for a brief period of your life and then go off to do other things, leaving others to take their place.   They have played the part of many things throughout the history of time, and once they have played the role of you for a while they move on a scatter to play different roles throughout the world and the galaxy and the universe. 

Saturday, April 6, 2013


Baron Acton said in 1887 that "Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men."

Whilst democracy was seen as the solution to this problem by creating a system of government in which the people had a direct influence of over those who lead.  The unfortunate truth is that modern democratic politics is subject to many of the same issues imposed by autocracies.  

Firstly the system by which any given person is able to rise to a position in which the public is able to vote that person into office has become so toxic and Machiavellian that only those who are able to thrive in that type of environment are able to achieve position of power.  Furthermore as political office is changeable, the corporations and interest groups who are able to exert power for longer periods of time behind the scenes are often able to unduly influence who can rise through the ranks and also how they govern. 

History is littered with revolutionaries who have sought to overthrown these types of unjust governments and institutions.  Generally consisting of brave men and women who are willing to stand up in the face of overwhelming odds.  The long list of revolutionaries includes such names as Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela, Aung San Suu Kyi, and now Anonymous.

Anonymous is a leaderless community of 'hacktivists' committed to mass awareness and targeting corruption. Characterised by the stylised Guy Fawkes mask Anonymous have been growing in number and effectiveness since 2003.

 In 2007 the arrest of Chris Forcand a sexual predator using the internet to find victims, was a direct result of the members of Anonymous who had been gathering evidence against him which was given to the police. 

Anonymous became well known after declaring war on the church of scientology in 2008 for attempting to censor this video of tom cruise behaving, well, crazy

Over 7000 people protested in 93 countries world-wide.  In March 2008 the church of scientology (known for using underhanded tactics) attacked the epilepsy foundation website, trying to blame anonymous for the attack, which triggered a new wave of worldwide protests involving 8000 supporters. 

Since then Anonymous has targeted major global corporations, numerous governments and factions as well as focussing on gross injustices. Whilst still in their infancy this revolutionary group has managed to affect real change in highlighting serious issues through its involvement in the occupy protests and even bringing guilty parties to justice as evidenced by the recent Steubenville rape trial. 

Many current political systems and indeed corporations have been able to exist outside the scrutiny and checks and balances required for a fair playing field.   Anonymous are attempting to correct that imbalance and have so far proven highly effective.

In a world where politicians and corporate spin doctors have been able to confuse and misdirect the public for too long, Anonymous fills me with hope that there are pockets of our global community not stunted by apathy, but prepared to stand up for what they believe in. 

Whilst writing this blog entry Anonymous has targeted the North Korean government after the very real threat of nuclear war has been put on the table by its leader Kim Jong-Un.

Viva la revolucion